
PSITTACUS STORE USA is Psittacus Catalonia’s official online store in the United States of America.
The purpose of PSITTACUS STORE is to make all the products manufactured by our company permanently available to our clients.
PSITTACUS STORE USA is Psittacus Catalonia’s official online store in the United States of America.
The purpose of PSITTACUS STORE is to make all the products manufactured by our company permanently available to our clients.
- Direct shipment from our warehouse located in Miami.
- The guarantee of maximum shelf life of the products.
- Personalized attention.
- Adaptation to each client’s needs.
“Quality and Research”
The PSITTACUS, SERINUS, COLUMBAE, WILDIETS and DISRUPTIVE lines are the result of the ongoing research and development work carried out in our breeding centers. Day after day, the birds in our zoological center corroborate the optimum functioning of the foods that we manufacture and commercialize throughout the world.
“Quality and Research”
The PSITTACUS, SERINUS, COLUMBAE, WILDIETS and DISRUPTIVE lines are the result of the ongoing research and development work carried out in our breeding centers. Day after day, the birds in our zoological center corroborate the optimum functioning of the foods that we manufacture and commercialize throughout the world.

The basis of our offer lies in prioritizing the search for excellence in nutrition.
What are our products like?
The basis of our offer lies in prioritizing the search for excellence in nutrition.
What are our products like?
- Always avant-garde in the application of new knowledge in bird nutrition.
- They contain only maximum-quality fine ingredients.
- They are very palatable.
- Their content in nutrients is optimum for each kind of bird.
- They are a guarantee of health and vigor.
- They are free of transgenics (no GMOs).
- They are free of artificial preservatives.
- The antioxidants and pigmentation contained are exclusively natural.
PSITTACUS STORE is the set of official online PSITTACUS stores that exist in the world.
At the moment, the PSITTACUS STORES in Spain, Italy and USA are open to customers. We shortly intend to open stores in France, the British Islands and Mexico.
Psittacus Catalonia hopes to gradually introduce official stores into each of the countries in which the company has a stable commercial structure.
The mission of all the PSITTACUS STORES is to cover the deficits that may exist in the physical network of commercialization and to ensure that all the products that are introduced into a country’s market are always available for its clients.
The American PSITTACUS STORE is managed by Psittacus USA. In other countries, the management of the official store is delegated to the country distributor or to a collaborating company.
PSITTACUS STORE USA was designed as a sales platform adapted to the different types of client: shops, vets, breeders, big breeding collections, sanctuaries and the pet owner.