Suitable for hand-rearing small size granivorous psittacine species (genera Melopsittacus, Nymphicus, Agapornis, Neophema, Eolophus … ) which in nature consume mostly low-fat seeds.
It is a follow-on hand-feeding formula formulated to constitute 100 % of the chick’s diet. It should be fed from the moment pin feathers emerge until weaning. For example, in cockatiels, it is used from the second week of age.
It is advisable to prepare the formula with lukewarm water at a concentration of approximately 25 % solids. It is recommended to administer the formula with a soft feeding tube.
For younger animals, it is preferable to use a first-age hand feeding like the Granivorous Psittacine Crop Milk. At weaning switch progressively to formula Mini.