Formulated for small parrot species (genera Agapornis, Cyanoramphus, Pyrrhura, Forpus), that in the wild consume a great diversity of foods such as seeds, fruit, berries, leaves, buds and even some invertebrates.
It is formulated for the non-reproductive periods. Its composition meets the nutritional requirements of the birds during this time.
It is designed to constitute 100 % of the parrot’s diet. In order to give variety to the diet, other foods like fruit and vegetables can be added, as long as the proportion of Minor is not less than 70 % of the overall diet by weight.
Daily intake ranges from 10 to 18 % of the animal’s body weight.
Ensure birds have Silex Grit Fine available to cover the mechanical needs of the digestive tract.
During the breeding season, birds should always have access to Eggfood, Wet & Dry Microspheres 20/10 and Calcium Grit Fine Calcium Grit Fine as a source of calcium.